Thursday 13 October 2011

QOS-WFQ: Cisco's Intelligent Queuing Tool for Today's Networks

For situations in which it is desirable to provide consistent response time to heavy and light network users alike without adding excessive bandwidth, the solution is WFQ. WFQ is one of Cisco's premier queuing techniques. It is a flow-based queuing algorithm that does two things simultaneously: It schedules interactive traffic to the front of the queue to reduce response time, and it fairly shares the remaining bandwidth among high-bandwidth flows.
WFQ ensures that queues do not starve for bandwidth, and that traffic gets predictable service. Low-volume traffic streams---which comprise the majority of traffic---receive preferential service, transmitting their entire offered loads in a timely fashion. High-volume traffic streams share the remaining capacity proportionally between them, as shown in Figure .
WFQ is designed to minimize configuration effort and automatically adapts to changing network traffic conditions. In fact, WFQ does such a good job for most applications that it has been made the default queuing mode on most serial interfaces configured to run at or below E1 speeds (2.048 Mbps).
WFQ is efficient in that it uses whatever bandwidth is available to forward traffic from lower-priority flows if no traffic from higher-priority flows is present. This is different from time-division multiplexing (TDM), which simply carves up the bandwidth and lets it go unused if no traffic is present for a particular traffic type. WFQ works with both of Cisco's primary QoS signaling techniques---IP precedence and Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), 'll be described later --to help provide differentiated QoS as well as guaranteed services.
Figure for WFQ, if multiple high-volume conversations are active, their transfer rates and interarrival periods are made much more predictable

The WFQ algorithm also addresses the problem of round-trip delay variability. If multiple high-volume conversations are active, their transfer rates and interarrival periods are made much more predictable. WFQ greatly enhances algorithms such as the SNA Logical Link Control (LLC) and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) congestion control and slow-start features. The result is more predictable throughput and response time for each active flow, as shown in Figure show below

This diagram shows an example of interactive traffic delay (128-kbps Frame Relay WAN link). 


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