Thursday 1 September 2011

PPP Over Frame-Relay

Uses a virtual-template interface interface virtual-template 1 which contains your IP address configuration and other L3 stuff like perhaps PPP authentication
- Physical interface links your virtual-template to the interface with frame-relay interface-dlci <dlci> ppp virtual-template 1
- Remember when doing show ip interface brief or other commands, the virtual-template interface will actually show as down. This is normal.
Well those are pretty much my notes for Frame-Relay. This is getting pretty boring and long, so I won’t even go into my notes on the frame configuration right now. One thing I like about writing this stuff out, is that it really actually helps refresh my memory. Hey even if I am boring, I am at least getting something out of it. Consider this as sort of my personal journal, but viewable to the world. It’s really for my benefit as much as anything else.
When I started the configuration video, I got inspired to lab it up for real in my basement. The first part of the video deals with a pretty straight forward Hub and spoke frame network with 1 Hub and 2 spokes. Easy enough…I used a 2520 for my frame switch, a 2511 for an AS, a 2514 for my hub, and a 2501/2502 for my spokes. Unfortunately, I only have 8MB RAM and Flash in most of them, so the best IOS I can still find for download is like 12.1.27 but oh well. It seemed to work pretty well for the purpose. Then Scott added a 4th router for much of the rest of the video and I was screwed because I ran out of DTE/DCE crossover cables. I ordered some more today. I still should really go over actually DOING the back to back exercises as well as the ones involving back to back with frame-relay multilink. Then, when I get add a 3rd spoke going through the other stuff.
Well I hope this is useful for somebody out there 

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